Grades 6-8

We love Middle Schoolers! These mini adults are balancing growing responsibilities at school and in the outside world which can be intriguing and confusing all at the same time. It’s a magical thing to witness how energetic, impressionable, funny and mature students are at this age. They are eager to make the big jump from elementary school, but young enough to need strong guidance and positive modeling. Schechter Boston is filled with faculty members, learning specialists and counselors who will help co-pilot the exhilarating journey of the preteen years.

We see Middle School as a time to double down on developing strong organizational and planning habits. Students manage a more complicated schedule as they change classrooms for eight subjects, and also sign up for electives for the first time. Student newspaper, wood burning, Israeli dance, robotics, anyone? Maintaining a clear lab notebook and writing a soundly structured five-paragraph paper are as important as having time with a havurah teacher and small group of peers to talk about life or design a tzedakah project.

Beyond the core schedule, Schechter middle schoolers are buoyed and challenged by a myriad of leadership, social and academic opportunities from running tefillah to managing busy duty. They deliberate Jewish and human responses to humanitarian crises. They can head to drop-in art studio, the Makerspace or LGBTQ club during lunch if they choose. Travel sports teams begin in Middle School as does Spanish. Schechter students are poised and prepared for high school and beyond.