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Maria Cosgrove


Schechter Employee Since 2023

Team(s): Business Office

Email: maria.cosgrove(at)ssdsboston.org
Degrees: B.A., Health and Society, University of Rochester; M.S., Health Care Administration, Simmons University

Words to Describe Me: kind, hard working, introverted
Inspirational Saying: “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you really have.” (Eckhart Tolle)

Way to Relax: Go for a walk outside surrounded by nature
Hidden Talent: I recently became certified to teach yoga.
Interesting Travel Experience: Traveled in a 32-foot motor home with my family for 10 days, visiting state parks in Colorado, Utah and Nevada.
Snow Day Activity: Read a good book and then watch a movie with family or friends
Hobbies: Doing yoga or cooking something new and healthy