Parsha Stories Podcast

Sefer Bemidbar-Shelach Lecha 5783

Sefer Bemidbar-Shelach Lecha 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! This week, join us in celebrating a full Torah reading cycle of our podcast! This parsha was our first parsha podcast, and now we tell the story again! B’nai Yisrael is nervous about what life might be like in...

Sefer Bemidbar-BeHaalotcha 5783

Sefer Bemidbar-BeHaalotcha 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! This week, B’nai Yisrael starts their journeys off strong by organizing and fortifying their religious and military systems. But by the end, the “complaint department” is flooded with requests for meat and more...

Sefer Bemidbar-Naso 5783

Sefer Bemidbar-Naso 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! The story of Shimshon (Samson) from the haftarah dominates the story of this week’s Parsha Podcast. Shimshon the Nazir is gifted with superhuman strength, making him a champion for B’nai Yisrael against their...

Sefer Bemidbar-Shavuot 5783

Sefer Bemidbar-Shavuot 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! In this episode: Shabbat this week lines up with the second day of Shavuot, so we take a detour from our normal, weekly, parsha cycle. We all know the story of Revelation at Har Sinai (see Parshat Yitro) but what...

Sefer Bemidbar-Bemidbar 5783

Sefer Bemidbar-Bemidbar 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! In this episode: As B’nai Yisrael prepares to start their journey through the Midbar (the Wilderness), they need to assemble an army. God has Moshe take a census to conscribe the adult males of fighting age as...

Sefer Vayikra-Behar and Behukotai 5783

Sefer Vayikra-Behar and Behukotai 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! In this episode: B’nai Yisrael is finally ready to begin their journey to Eretz Yisrael from their stop at the foot of Har Sinai. Before they can begin their journey to the Holy Land, God and Moshe have some...

Sefer Vayikra-Emor 5783

Sefer Vayikra-Emor 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! In this episode: B’nai Yisrael is introduced to the most beautiful and joyous aspect of our tradition: the haggim (holidays)! But not everyone is so excited about the haggim because being a part of community...

Sefer Vayikra-Acharei Mot/Kedoshim 5783

Sefer Vayikra-Acharei Mot/Kedoshim 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! In this episode: After Aaron’s sons have died Aaron learns about a new skill he must hone as the Kohen Gadol: the ability to ask forgiveness for the entire community. As an act of love, Aaron would sacrifice one...

Sefer Vayikra-Tazria/Metzorah 5783

Sefer Vayikra-Tazria/Metzorah 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! In this episode: As B’nai Yisrael is figuring out how to properly use the newly built Mishkan, we learn about the health attestation that has to be performed by the Kohanim to make sure that everyone who is...

Sefer Vayikra-Shmeni 5783

Sefer Vayikra-Shmeni 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! In this episode, Aaron and his sons have been studying the laws of the Korbanot (sacrifices) and are finally ready to consecrate the Mishkan and start using the Tabernacle as a functioning location. All of the...

Sefer Vayikra-Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol 5783

Sefer Vayikra-Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol 5783

Keep up with the weekly parsha with Rabbi Ravid Tilles! In this episode, Moshe continues to convey the laws of the Kohen, the Kohen Gadol and the korbanot (sacrifices) to his brother Aaron. Aaron asks important questions to more deeply understand the expectations of...

Sefer Vayikra-Vayikra 5783

Sefer Vayikra-Vayikra 5783

With the Mishkan finally built, it is time for B’nai Yisrael to start bringing korbanot to get closer to G-d. However, not just anyone can bring whatever sacrifices they want whenever they want, so Moshe has to convey the strict expectations to Aaron and his sons....